Whereas the other sellers advertise model SSBS3, as you see from the order confirmation, this one is described as SSCS3. However, this one has a barcode under the box which reads BS3W, the same as the others. This one was purchased in 2021 and never used. The box was only opened to verify the contents; the pics you see are the pics I took as I opened it for the first time for purposes of this listing. From the manufacturer: The Base Station is the brains of your system. When one sensor or camera detects danger, it sends a signal to the Base Station, which sounds the siren and notifies you immediately. If it's unplugged or the power goes out, the 24-hour backup battery keeps you covered. With a monitoring plan, it will alert us and we will dispatch police if there's ever an emergency. Prepared and built for the unexpected - The Base Station has a battery that lasts up to 24 hours and cellular backup so you stay protected even if you lose power or Wi-Fi.